Settings Tab
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The Settings tab provides settings to change the image size, the image name, JPEG compression/quality, brightness, contrast, sharpness, and rotation. You can see the result produced by your settings by activating the Preview output tab on the right panel.

Use the Max. Width and Max. Height fields to define the maximum width and height of the images produced when a resizing option is selected. The value represents pixel units. You can insert zero or a blank value in either Max. Width or Max. Height so that the resizing factor is only determined based on one of the image dimensions. Note that the size values are ignored if you select No resize in the Resize field or Lossless JPEG in the Algorithm field.

Easy Thumbnails preserves EXIF data in JPEG images larger than 300x300 pixels. With smaller sizes, Easy Thumbnails assumes you are producing thumbnails and so automatically removes EXIF data to reduce their file size.

The Resize field defines whether images are resized and how. The following values are available:

·No resize: the image is not resized.  
·Best fit: the image is resized so that it fits in the rectangle defined by "Max. Width" and "Max. Height"; aspect ratio is preserved.  
·Shrink to fit: the image is only resized if it is larger than the rectangle defined by "Max. Width" and "Max. Height"; aspect ratio is preserved.  
·Enlarge to fit: the image is only resized if it is smaller than the rectangle defined by "Max. Width" and "Max. Height"; aspect ratio is preserved.  
·Stretch to fit: the image is resized so that it fills the rectangle defined by "Max. Width" and "Max. Height"; image aspect ratio may be altered.  

The setting chosen in the Resampling filter field determines how pixels in a picture are affected when it is resized. Depending on the chosen setting, there can be big differences in the resize quality and processing speed. See the Resize Algorithm topic for more information on the different settings available.

When batch processing, you may want to change the name of converted images so that they don't overwrite your originals. Adding a prefix or suffix to the name can also be useful to easily identify and group certain kinds of pictures, like thumbnails for example. Use the Prefix/Suffix field to add text to the image name. The New Name field determines how this text is added to the image name. When you select Auto Detect, Easy Thumbnails will automatically determine how to build the new name: if it starts or ends with an underscore "_", a hyphen "-", or a dot ".", the text will be added to the image name as a suffix or prefix respectively, otherwise the Rename option is assumed. Use the Add nothing setting to keep the original image name unchanged.

When the Rename option is used, Easy Thumbnails creates numbered image names based on the text in the New Name field. The index number is added at the end of the name unless you use one of the number tokens to specify an alternative position. Easy Thumbnails supports two types of tokens that you can use to add numbering to new filenames. You can use an asterisk "*" in the text to indicate where numbers must be inserted. Padding with leading zeros is automatically determined based on the number of images you process. Example:

New Name: Auto detect
Prefix/Suffix: alex_first_birthday_*
Filenames produced assuming 100 JPEG files are processed:


In some cases, you may want to control exactly how many leading zeros are added to the index number. You can do so by using question mark characters "?" instead of the asterisk. The number of question marks indicates the minimum width to use for the index number. Based on the above example, the following pattern "alex_first_birthday_??" would generate this:


When you produce JPEG images, you can control the quality of the new image by changing the value of the JPEG Quality field. A higher value produces a larger image file (take longer to download on the Internet) with less quality loss. A lower value produces a smaller file at the cost of image quality.

Use the other slider controls to change the brightness, contrast, sharpness, and rotation of your images. A value of 0 leaves the image unmodified for the corresponding property. Note that you can double-click on the label of these slider controls to reset the default value.